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Is Bad Pronunciation Killing Your Fluency? Wanna know why?
Is there something missing in your English fluency? Do you have this gut feeling [feeling in your stomach] that you should speak better than you do, that you could be more fluent, but there’s a missing piece to the puzzle? It’s a story that repeats itself over and over again: you’ve studied plenty of English,…
Read MoreReal Life English Podcast #41 – Expressions Involving FIRE
http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Nov_26_Podcast_Fire.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes for Apple | Stitcher for Android Direct Download to Computer on this page (From that page, you will right Click and Save) Words You’ll Learn Pop in Eager In shape Low blow Put something out Words to Know Face-to-face – To be talking to someone in person Yell – To make…
Read More40 Ways to say SEX: Synonyms, Slang, and Collocations (EXPLICIT)
Today we have a smoking hot English lesson for you. That’s right, today we’re going to talk about sex. WARNING: Although not the intention of this article, it may be OFFENSIVE to some readers. We understand that sex is a delicate topic for many people, and this article is meant to be more of a resource…
Read MoreThe Evolution of English: Our History Lives in the Words We Speak
Did you know that English has more words than any other language? This has always astounded me and got me thinking, where did all these words come from and why is it that English has so many? The truth is that the English language is actually a lot different than it was hundreds of years…
Read More16 formas de usar la palabra HOOK: idioms, phrasal verbs y slangs
Menos del 3% de los hablantes de inglés no nativos pasan este test. ¿Podrás tú? ¿Cuántas de estas 17 definiciones de hook conoces? Lee el siguiente par de párrafos compruébalo:If you understand all 5 uses of the word hook in these next two paragraphs, you pass the test and we’ll let you off the hook9. But, if…
Read MoreComo usar a palavra GET em inglês
Há certas palavras numa língua que são ditas o tempo todo, mas que geram confusão quando empregadas de diversas formas. Geralmente, a tradução dessas palavras se torna problemática por não serem usadas da mesma forma que você usa na sua língua materna e, portanto, acabam sendo erroneamente traduzidas. Neste vídeo-artigo, vamos aprender um pouco sobre…
Read MoreCómo Leer en Inglés
¿Cuánto lees diariamente en tu idioma nativo? Algunos leemos más que otros. Algunas personas simplemente disfrutan la lectura. Otros solo lo hacen cuando es necesario. Sea el modo que sea, todos leemos diariamente — sea el diario matutino, comics, posts de Facebook, libros o blogs como Real Life English (si estás leyendo esto es obvio que disfrutas…
Read More20 Ways to Say FUNNY in English
Have you ever heard the expression, a laugh is the same in every language? Comedy is incredibly important. And although sense of humor may vary with each person that you talk to, it’s nice to be able to describe exactly how something makes you feel. England, for example, is famous for a drier, more sarcastic…
Read More8 Maneras en que la música puede hacerte fluido en inglés
¿Te gusta mucho la música en inglés y te gustaría usar esa pasión para mejorar tu inglés? La música no sólo es una de las estrategias más divertidas y efectivas para aprender inglés, sino que también te ayuda a conectar con la cultura de los países de habla inglesa, a hacer nuevos amigos, y te…
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