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Três Coisas que Estudantes de Nível Básico em Inglês Precisam Fazer ao Viajar para Fora

By RealLife Team | Jan 10, 2013

Digamos que você quer viajar para um país de língua inglesa para conhecer a cultura e ter uma experiência fora. Ao final da viagem, você percebe que não aprendeu quase nada do que gostaria… não deixe que isso aconteça com você! Faça parte da Comunidade do Real Life English Neste artigo você irá aprender três…

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Como falar inglês canadense

By RealLife Team | Jan 8, 2013

Em um artigo anterior, escrevi sobre as razões pelas quais o Canadá é um bom lugar para estudar inglês. Agora que você já está convencido de que o Canadá é o país ideal para você fazer seu intercâmbio ESL, aqui vão alguns conhecimentos básicos que o ajudarão a adaptar-se ao inglês do Canadá e impressionar…

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6 motivos para estudar e morar no Canadá

By RealLife Team | Jan 7, 2013

Então quer dizer que você está pensando em estudar no Canadá? Ao ouvir a palavra Canadá, muita gente imagina invernos muito frios, folhas de carvalho e hockey. Essas características também são parte do Canadá e da cultura canadense, mas quem visita o país percebe que ele também pode ser um ótimo lugar para se aprender inglês!…

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HOW to Improve Your Vocabulary Daily (Part II)

By Ethan | Dec 27, 2012

Ready to build your English vocabulary? There are many simple steps that you can take every day in order to greatly increase the amount of English words that you know and use. In Part I, I told you about keeping a word journal, Real Life English’s Daily Expressions, and Dictionary Websites’ word of the days.…

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HOW to Improve Your Vocabulary Daily

By Ethan | Dec 21, 2012

Do you find it difficult to remember new words in English? English has the largest vocabulary of any language in the world. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced speaker of English, you are always growing your vocabulary.  Always encountering tons of new words. And new ways to say words that you already know. The…

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Australian English For Your Life

By Chad | Dec 17, 2012

If you are thinking about going to Australia you’ll need to know what to expect with the Australian accent and slang expressions. Or maybe you want to learn more about the culture and amazing lifestyle that only Australia has to offer? Join the Real Life English International Community Familiarizing yourself with Australian English and culture…

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How an Exchange Experience Changed my Perspective of my Home Country

By Ethan | Dec 14, 2012

When I studied abroad, I didn’t just learn about a new culture, but I also reflected a lot on my own country, the United States. In certain ways I felt more negatively about my home country, and in other ways I learned that many unique aspects make it an amazing place to live. The primary…

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Speak Australian English: Australian Slang Expressions (with Podcast!)

By Chad | Dec 10, 2012

About 200 years ago, some English guy was sailing around the seas of the southern hemisphere and accidently stumbled upon a land that was full of desert, flies, a blazing sun, some of the strangest and most deadly animals you could ever find, and most importantly GOLD. This English guy wanted this gold, so he…

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How an Exchange Experience Will Change Your Life (Part III): How an Exchange Experience CAN Improve Your Life

By Ethan | Dec 10, 2012

Are you considering studying English (or another language) outside of your home country? You’ve probably thought about how it will improve your skills in another language. But have you considered the multitude (great number) of other benefits that an exchange offers you? An exchange is so much more than a language learning experience—even though that…

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