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Secrets to Learning Grammar: 7 Steps to Grammar Fluency
Does Grammar really have to be so complicated? What if there were an easier way? When learning English one of the most difficult and overwhelming things every learner is going to face is using and understanding grammar. But if you would like find a way to practice and learn grammar in a very easy and…
Read MoreThe #1 Reason Why You Aren’t Learning As Much English As You Want
Are you one of those people who, when finding a new way to learn English, will get all excited and practice a lot for a few days, then stop? (Like New Years Resolutions or gym memberships.) Are you one of the English learners who knows and understands the importance of being a great English speaker,…
Read MoreHow to Be A Better Communicator in English Using The Present Perfect Continuous
Are you currently studying English in a traditional school? If you are, I’m sure you learning all about grammar, verb tenses, and all the other ins and outs (technical things) of the English language. But when it comes time to use your English in a real conversational situation, do you feel like you are communicating…
Read MoreEnglish Pronunciation Made Easy: 3 Native Secrets to Understanding and Pronouncing the “T” Sound (with Audio)
Do you have problems understanding native speakers? Could you use a little help from an experienced American teacher? Give me 10 minutes and you will learn 3 simple rules that will drastically improve your ability to understand native speakers. Listening along will really help. Listen and Follow Text Below http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Native_T_Sounds_-_2.mp3 First, let’s test your listening…
Read MoreComo Estudar Fora Pode Mudar a Sua Vida
Onde eu estaria caso não tivesse feito intercâmbio? Às vezes, eu imagino qual seria a resposta para esta pergunta. Minha vida é bastante única. Estou aproveitando muito a vida, por assim dizer, aqui no Brasil. Às vezes, pelo Facebook, vejo as pessoas com quem eu me graduei na faculdade e no ensino médio. O que…
Read MoreAchieve Your Goals: How to Become a More Disciplined English Learner
“Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” A big part of learning a new language is having the self-control to spend many hours a week improving your abilities. It can be difficult to do this after a long day of work when it’s much easier to turn on…
Read MoreFluência em inglês versão 2.0: segredos nativos para listening
Para a maioria dos estudantes, a compreensão auditiva é uma das partes mais frustrantes do processo de aprendizado do Inglês/ESL. As pessoas do mundo todo se esforçam muito para aprender a ler, escrever e falar, mas por diversas razões, a escuta é algo que elas nunca “get the hang of” (pegar o jeito). Na verdade,…
Read MoreHow English is Really Spoken: Colloquial Contractions (Wanna, Gotta, Gonna)
Are you confident listening to native speakers? Does it seem that we’re speaking too fast, or a lot differently than you learned in school? For a lot of people, the solution is simple: learn to hear the colloquial contractions “wanna, gotta, and gonna.” These are three of the most common English colloquial contractions, or…
Read MoreComo Melhorar seu Vocabulario em Inglês Diariamente (Parte III)
Para tomar todos os beneficios deste texto, leia primeiro as partes I e II (se não fez antes). Uma das coisas mais frustrantes de aprender uma nova lingua é quando não se consegue lembrar uma palavra. Talvez você já a aprendeu, ou talvez ela é uma palavra que você acha que deveria saber porque é comum.…
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