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RealLife Radio #70 – It’s Cool to be Kind
Have you been kind to a random stranger today? In this episode of RealLife Radio you are going to learn a whole lot of vocabulary related to being kind and generosity, learn about Leon Logothetis and his journey around the world totally reliant on other people’s kindness, and listen to us answer a really good…
Read More25 Uses of the Word WORK: Phrasal Verbs, Idioms (+ Bonus Audio Lesson)
Most English learners know the main definition of work is to LABOR. Some even know that when something works well, it FUNCTIONS. But there are SO MANY MORE ways that native speakers commonly use the word WORK that most learners have no idea about. For example, here are 9 phrasal verbs that completely change the meaning of work: Work OUT,…
Read MoreConfusing English Words: Homophones
Have you ever realized that a lot of English words sound very similar, maybe even like the same word?? Don’t worry you are not going crazy and your listening is fine, this is what we call homophones. The English language is filled with words that have the same pronunciation but different spelling and a different…
Read MoreRealLife Radio #69 – Transportation, Travel, and Phrasal Verbs
Have you been having problems with speeding drivers in your neighborhood? Well, in this episode of RealLife radio you are going to discover how a clever granny [grandmother] managed to find an “appealing” solution. Also, a ton of new vocabulary, including phrasal verbs, slang expressions, and colloquialisms. Aww Yeah!! http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Podcast_54_-_Transportation_ready.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen on Your…
Read MoreFast English: Learn with TV and Reading
We’re all busy right? It’s hard to find time to do the important things, like improving our English, if they aren’t urgent. But you do have time to improve your English, every single day. It only takes about 15 minutes, and over time your English will DRASTICALLY improve. Plus, it’s easy to make it into a lifelong…
Read MoreEnglish Slang Expressions: “Yo, What Up Cuz?”
Is your English dry and boring? When you speak does it sound like you are just reading our of an English text book? Using slang and colloquial language is going to make your English much more diverse and even a little more interesting. In this video you are going to learn a few common slang…
Read MoreRealLife Radio #68 – Trust, Dishonesty, and the Ice Bucket Challenge
Would you consider yourself a trustworthy person? Or, are you a bit shady? In this episode of RealLife Radio you are going really extend your vocabulary with tons of new expressions and general vocabualry all related to trust. Also, we talk about the ice bucket challenge craze, and answer a question which is a common…
Read MoreWhat’s Really Keeping You From Fluency
Do you ever feel stuck in your learning? Or even in your life? This is a feeling we all suffer from at some point. It can be awful, frustrating, and even tortuous. When we are learning a language, and we hit a plateau–we feel like no matter how much we practice, we remain at the…
Read MoreSound More Like a Native: Improve your Pronunciation Right Now with this Simple Tactic
This is a guest post by our friend, American English teacher, Kevin Conwell. Kevin is the creator FeelGoodEnglish and the Feel Good English Podcast at FeelGoodEnglish.com, where he helps people become confident English speakers. This is Kevin, your English-teaching Ninja. I want to help you speak English more like a native speaker. Why? Well, first because I’m…
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