4 Ways to Speak English in Your City
Do you want to get out of the house and speak English? Perfect! Believe it or not, you don’t have to move to an English speaking country to practice speaking with other people in a natural setting. Today I’m going to give you some tips [recommendations] that will help you take your English to the…
Read MoreTop 10 English Words with the Most Meanings
Do you get confused by English words with multiple, sometimes contradictory meanings? You think you learned how to use the word “take,” but then you discover that there are actually 127 different ways to use it (“run” has 179), including a vast selection of phrasal verbs, idioms, and colloquial expressions. If you don’t have good…
Read More27 palabras que ya conoces en inglés (para hispanohablantes)
¿Sabías que si hablas español probablemente conoces muchas palabras en inglés, incluso si nunca has ido a clases? Debido a la historia del inglés, muchas de sus palabras provienen del latín, así que encontrarás similitudes entre el español y el inglés. E-libro gratis: 101 Palabras que no vas a aprender en la escuela Read this…
Read MoreHead Over Heels with English: 8 Idioms about Love
All you need is love! Being in love is a wonderful feeling, but sometimes it can be difficult to describe. Idioms are great to use to help you describe such abstract feelings like love. But love isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. You need a lot of hard work and patience for it to last. Although…
Read MoreEnglish Podcast #35 – Expressions with TRAVEL
http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Podcast_number_35.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes for Apple | Stitcher for Android Direct Download to Computer on this page (From that page, you will right Click and Save) Words to Know Braid– to tie hair together to make a thicker piece of hair Pick up line– phrase used to attract a person you are interested in…
Read More50 coisas fascinantes sobre o Brasil
O Brasil é um dos lugares mais maravilhosos para se viver no mundo. Eu vivo aqui há nove meses, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais – uma cidade de cerca de 3 milhões de habitantes que alguns estrangeiros já ouviram falar. É uma cidade grande num estado montanhoso. Sendo do Colorado, eu dificilmente consideraria essas montanhas,…
Read MoreAmerican Culture: Experiencing Burning Man
This article was written by RLE Member, Cecilia Silveira-Marroquin. Another Labor Day weekend has come to pass and it made me remember Black Rock City. Black Rock City? Where is that? It is not on the map – but that is where I was for 4 years straight, back in the 2000s – on the…
Read More13 Cat Expressions Every English Learner Should Know (and the Fascinating Story of Meru, the RLE Cat)
Are you a cat lover? Did you know that long before cats and kittens [baby cats] invaded the internet with their cute and funny videos (and pictures), these loveable creatures invaded the English language with idioms and expressions? Actually, cats are as much a part of the English language as they are a part of your Facebook…
Read More7 Expresiones que mejorarán radicalmente tu fluidez cultural en inglés
Puede que tengan una gramática impecable, pero la gramática no te convierte en un buen comunicador intercultural. Este tema es una de las partes más infravaloradas, poco entendidas y ambiguas de la fluidez en el idioma, pero es crucial para comunicarse eficientemente y con seguridad. Hoy exploraremos siete frases importantes que mejorarán radicalmente tu fluidez…
Read MoreCÓMO mejorar tu vocabulario diariamente (parte III)
Para sacar el máximo provecho de este artículo, asegúrate de leer las partes I y II si no lo has hecho todavía. No odias cuando simplemente no puedes recordar una palabra en inglés (o en cualquier otro idioma que estés aprendiendo)? A lo mejor acabas de aprenderla, o es una palabra que piensas que deberías…
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