27 words that you already know in English (for Spanish speakers)
Did you know that if you speak Spanish you probably know a lot of words in English, even if you’ve never taken a single English class? Because of the history of the English language, many words in English come from Latin. So you’ll find many similarities between Spanish and English. E-libro gratis: 101 Palabras que…
Read MoreShow us your bright thoughts! Join RLE Quote Competitions
(This post was written by RLE Facebook administrator Laura A. Hill) What’s your favorite quote? Are you in love with your favorite actor’s quotes? How often do you look for one when you want to overcome a problem? Nobody can deny the importance of quotes in our lives: when a person disappoints you, when you’re stuck…
Read More8 Ways to Tell Someone to Be Quiet: Shhh Idioms
Don’t you hate it when you are trying to sleep and someone starts playing music really loudly? Or, what about when you are at the cinema and the person behind you starts talking on their cell phone? Even if you haven’t experienced any of these situations, I’m sure there has been a time in your…
Read More26 despedidas en inglés
¿Cuántas formas de goodbye (adios) sabes en inglés? ¿Las usas demasiado y tiendes a ser repetitivo? Ésta es tu oportunidad para expandir tu repertorio de despedidas con estas 26 maneras dinámicas, divertidas y esenciales de decir goodbye en inglés. Read in English | Leia em Português E-Libro Gratis: 101 Words You Will Not Learn in School…
Read MoreAre You using WILL too much in the Simple Future Tense? (with Audio)
If you’re like the great majority of English learners from beginners to advanced levels, you use WILL way too much when talking about the future. As you read this, you might be thinking, “That’s not me. Everybody understands me, and I know that my grammar is correct, so what’s the problem?” We Recommend You Listen…
Read More7 Razões Pelas Quais Os Podcasts Estão Mudando Nossa Forma de Aprender Inglês
Imagine ter entre 5 e 10 horas a mais por semana para praticar seu inglês, mas sem que isso tome mais tempo da sua rotina. Imagine se você pudesse facilmente praticar seu inglês enquanto estivesse no engarrafamento, no ônibus, cozinhando, limpando, ou enquanto estivesse esperando na fila de um mercado ou banco. Podcasting possibilita tudo…
Read MoreVerbos Irregulares Mais Simplificados: As 5 Melhores Maneiras de Aprender os Verbos Irregulares Online
Você tem tido problemas em aprender verbos irregulares em inglês? Você acha muito difícil passar de 10 a 15 minutos por dia tentando aprender algo muito fundamental da língua inglesa? Ler esse artigo em Inglês : Se conectar ao mudo em Inglês na comunidade Real Life Tão estranho quanto isto aparenta ser, muitas pessoas “estudam”…
Read MoreCÓMO mejorar tu vocabulario diariamente
¿Te parece difícil recordar nuevas palabras en inglés? El inglés es el idioma con más vocabulario de todos los idiomas del mundo. Tanto si eres un principiante como si tienes un nivel avanzado de inglés, tu vocabulario siempre crece. Siempre encuentras un montón de palabras nuevas. Y nuevas formas de decir palabras que ya conocías.…
Read MoreReal Life English: Body Idioms
Does learning English give you itchy feet to leave home and see the many eye-catching destinations around the world? Did you know you can also meet native speakers without leaving your city? Either way, if you want to speak and understand native speakers in any place or situation, the idioms we use in English are…
Read MoreHow to Pronounce “H” in English
Something I’ve noticed is that many of my students and our community members have problems with pronouncing the H sound when speaking. Pronunciation is certainly an important part of English learning. It’s something that you should always work to improve. But remember, the most important thing is to be understood. Even if your pronunciation is…
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