Cómo los nativos hablan inglés: Wanna, Gotta, Gonna (contracciones coloquiales)
¿Tienes confianza hablando con hablantes nativos? ¿Te parece que hablamos demasiado rápido, o muy diferente de como aprendiste en el colegio? Para muchas personas, la solución es simple: aprende a escuchar las contracciones coloquiales “wanna”, “gotta” y “gonna”. Read in English Éstas son tres de las contracciones coloquiales más comunes del inglés, también llamadas “sound…
Read MoreEnglish for Life: 10 TV Shows Which You’ll Love Learning English With
Who doesn’t watch TV? Almost everyone watches at least a little bit of television, right? Some people watch a whole lot. So, doesn’t it make sense to watch some in English? Get Hooked on a Great Show Getting hooked on [addicted to] a great TV show is an excellent way to improve your English. In fact,…
Read MoreReal Life English Podcast #37 – Dating Expressions
http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Relationship_podcast_37.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes for Apple | Stitcher for Android Direct Download to Computer on this page (From that page, you will right Click and Save) Words You’ll Learn Blind date Potent Testing the waters a player Talk yourself up Drown out Words to Know Yours truly – expression to reference yourself Apply –…
Read More7 Phrases that Will Drastically Improve Your Cultural Fluency in English
You may have perfect grammar, but grammar does not make you a good intercultural communicator, nor does it make you confident and effective in your speaking. Lee en español | Leia em português Today we will explore 7 important phrases that will not only dramatically improve your cultural fluency in English, they will also make you…
Read MoreAprendiendo Inglés con Cómics de Calvin y Hobbes
Enamorarse de un idioma es una de las mejores condiciones que se pueden adoptar para aprenderlo, porque así el estudiarlo se convierte en una experiencia placentera en sí misma y no solo una justificación hacía un fin. Un gran aspecto del aprendizaje del inglés es que hay enormes cantidades de medios de comunicación de los…
Read MoreCommonly Confused Words: Hilarious Homophones 2
Do you remember these confusing words known as homophones? That’s right, Homophones are when two words sound exactly the same but have different meanings. In our previous article “Hilarious Homophones #1,” we showed you a large range of homophones which you will see in everyday life. Can you remember the difference between these words? Night…
Read More34 Ways to Use the Word ASS: Idioms, Slang and Collocation
If you’re like most English learners, you’ve probably heard the word ASS used very frequently in English speaking songs, movies, and TV series. In addition to its most common use (butt), you’ve probably even heard the curse word ASSHOLE, or seen people use LMAO (Laughing My ASS Off) in internet chat. But did you know…
Read MoreFun, Fast and Easy English: One Minute Video Lessons
How much can you really learn in one minute??One of the biggest excuses my students make for not practicing their English every day is that, “They don’t have enough time.”There are only so many hours in the day, and a lot of things might happen that get in the way of you practicing your English.But,…
Read MoreAdd Some Color to Your English: Color Idioms
Is you English currently dull and boring? Do you feel like nobody finds you very interesting to talk to in English? If so, you need to add a little bit of COLOR to your vocabulary! Using idiomatic expressions is one of the best ways to make your English sound more interesting and colorful expressions, like…
Read More7 Frases que melhorarão radicalmente sua fluência cultural em inglês
Pode ser que tenham uma gramática perfeita, mas ela não faz de você um bom comunicador intercultural. Este tema é uma das partes mais subestimadas, mal compreendidas, e ambíguas da fluência no inglês, porém crucial para que nos comuniquemos com confiança e eficiência. Abordaremos, hoje, 7 importantes frases que melhorarão radicalmente sua fluência cultural no…
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