5 Powerful Reasons Why YOU Should Join the RealLife English Movement
Imagine a world with no political or religious conflicts… Imagine people from different places and cultures sharing their worldview in a peaceful and engaging environment. Now imagine these people being able to understand what’s being said, because everyone is able to speak the universal language. What if you stopped imagining and realized that such a reality CAN come…
Read More5 formas para mejorar tu escritura en inglés
¿Te cuesta escribir en inglés? Tal vez no estás acostumbrado al alfabeto latino, o tal vez simplemente te cuesta expresarte en inglés. No te preocupes. Hasta a los nativos a veces le cuesta escribir. En este artículo te daré algunos simples consejos que te ayudarán a mejorar tu escritura, y no solo en cuanto a…
Read MoreEnglish Idioms: Diversify Your English with Fun Expressions
Are you jumping through hoops to learn English? Or, do you waste time with monkey business? Learning a new language can be a real ball buster and many people get cheesed off and decide to call it a day very quickly. If you hit a hurdle like this, don’t get your knickers in a twist,…
Read MoreReal Life English Podcast #42 – Expressions Involving HARD WORK
http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Podcast_Hard_Work.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes for Apple | Stitcher for Android Direct Download to Computer on this page (From that page, you will right Click and Save) Words You’ll Learn Right off the bat Tom boy Pull something off Double or nothing Bust ass Pampered Spoiled Words to Know To swear – to say bad words…
Read MoreGreetings : 23 Différentes façons de saluer quelqu’un en anglais
Pop quiz: Qu’est-ce que toutes les conversations ont en commun? Réponse: Elles ont toutes un début et une fin (au revoir, adieu) Maintenant réfléchissez un moment, combien de manières connaissez-vous pour saluer une personne? Vous avez probablement appris les expressions basiques comme, “Hello” et “How are you?” qui sont utiles dans beaucoup de situation mais…
Read MoreImprove Your Pronunciation With Rap Music
One of the hardest aspects of learning a new language is speaking with clear and correct pronunciation. A lot of language learners focus all their attention on learning all the necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures, but they often forget about focusing their attention on having correct pronunciation. I believe that learning pronunciation is just as…
Read More16 usos da palavra HOOK em expressões, phrasal verbs e gírias
Menos de 3% dos falantes não-nativos de inglês passam neste teste. Será que você consegue? Quantas das 16 definições de hook presentes neste artigo você conhece? Teste seus conhecimentos a seguir:If you understand all 5 uses of the word hook in these next two paragraphs, you pass the test and we’ll let you off the…
Read More12 Ways to be a Mediocre and Unsuccessful English Learner
Although this title might be contradictory to what we usually teach at RealLife, you’ll find that you are probably committing (or have committed in the past) many of the things in this list. The following are many of the errors, excuses, and fallacies that we’ve noticed almost every English learner makes. To help you NOT make…
Read MoreCaixa de ferramentas do RealLife: Tudo que você precisa para revolucionar seu inglês
Se você está lendo este artigo, você provavelmente quer melhorar seu nível de inglês, ou talvez você esteja se preparando para começar a aprender ou ensinar a língua. O problema que muitos aprendizes do inglês têm é que eles não sabem por onde começar. Talvez você tenha aprendido um pouco de inglês na escola, mas…
Read MoreIs Bad Pronunciation Killing Your Fluency? Wanna know why?
Is there something missing in your English fluency? Do you have this gut feeling [feeling in your stomach] that you should speak better than you do, that you could be more fluent, but there’s a missing piece to the puzzle? It’s a story that repeats itself over and over again: you’ve studied plenty of English,…
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