Posts Tagged ‘reallifeenglish’
#257: How to Give Compliments in English
Today we’ll be talking about the topic you’ve voted for: how to give compliments in English. If you compliment a person, you praise them or say good things about them. It’s not just the words that you say that are important, but also the tone. We’ll also explore a variety of sentence structures that you…
Read More#256: 15+ English Animal Idioms & How to Use Them
In today’s podcast episode, you’ll get some more practice with your English idiomatic vocabulary by learning some animal idioms. Idioms are a type of figurative language which can be very confusing for English language learners. Now, there are tons of expressions that use animals and we use them all the time. If you stick around…
Read More#255: 6 Best Tricks to Become More Confident
Do you often find yourself shying away from new experiences or opportunities because you lack confidence? Have you ever felt your heart racing and your palms sweating just with the thought of facing a new challenge, such as speaking English? Well, we’re here with today’s episode to help you with those moments of self-doubt. Success will not necessarily make you confident, but…
Read More#254: Surprising Ways Natives Use the Word ‘ASS’ | Idioms, Slang & Collocation
If you’re like most English learners, you’ve probably heard the word ‘ass’ used very frequently in English speaking in songs, movies, and TV series. But did you know that this word has a multitude of uses that mean completely different things? Although you should definitely be very careful with all uses of this word, often…
Read More#253: 22+ Conversation Starters That ALWAYS Work
All the time our students tell us that their biggest frustration is that they understand English well, but that they don’t have any opportunities to speak. That is exactly why we launched the RealLife English app this year to give you an opportunity to practice both your speaking and listening in a fun and meaningful…
Read More#252: The Number 1 Reason to Learn English
Isn’t it awesome that English allows you to discover the world and meet people from different countries and learn about other cultures? That’s exactly what we mean when we encourage you to go beyond the classroom and become a global citizen! In fact, our company vision is to create a world beyond borders. So in…
Read More#251: Can you Understand These Jokes in English
There are various types of jokes in English that you may have heard of, such as traditional ones knock-knock jokes, one-liners and more. Some can be quite difficult to understand because they contain more than one meaning. These are the jokes we’ll be looking at today. So we’ll be sharing some jokes with you and…
Read More#250: Questions + Answers with Ethan & Andrea | 250th Podcast Episode Special!
We are very excited to celebrate our 250th podcast episode with you today! For this reason, we’ve selected a few questions that you, our listeners, have submitted to answer for you. You’ll learn a bit of grammar, a bit of vocabulary and some curiosities, like some 43-letter word that holds the record for the longest…
Read MoreBeyond Borders (Special 3): How Meditation Can Transform your English and Your Life!
If you can’t focus, you’re not alone. Let me share a secret with you. So it has taken me more than five years to learn what I need to do to focus on getting my work done. And I must say, until this day, I sometimes find myself getting distracted and switching between tasks on…
Read More#249: 10 Tips to Pass the IELTS exam
You asked for it and we listened. In today’s podcast we’re bringing you a topic that you have requested us to cover. Many of you are currently studying for or have completed the IELTS exam. So, in this episode of the podcast we’re giving you 10 tips to help you pass the exam or improve…
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