16 More California Slang Terms: How to Speak Like a Californian (Part II)
Couldn’t get enough California slang from the last article? Here are some more terms that you’ll commonly hear people in California say. If you plan on traveling to California or you’re simply interested in Californian culture, check out the vocabulary below. Mastering these words will easily help you connect with young people from California (as…
Read MoreMelhore Sua Pronúncia do Inglês com Trava-línguas (com áudio)
Trava-línguas é uma maneira ótima e divertida de praticar a sua pronúncia. Eles te ajudam a aprender um vocabulário novo, bem como conhecer melhor o ritmo e a fluência do inglês (Como Aprender Inglês com Ritmo e Fluência). Incluímos neste artigo uma versão de áudio, feita por um nativo da língua, para cada trava língua…
Read MoreHow to Learn English Watching TV Series and Movies
Hello, everybody! This is my second article for the Real Life English blog and today I’m going to talk about how to improve your English using TV series and movies. Nowadays we have a variety of sources for movies and series, such as Youtube, DVDs, cable and satellite TV, just to name a few. Thinking…
Read MoreComo Melhorar seu Vocabulario em Inglês Diariamente
Seja você um falante de inglês iniciante ou avançado, você está sempre aumentando seu vocabulário. Quanto mais rico for o seu vocabulário, mais fluentemente você poderá falar a língua, então, você deveria aprender novas palavras todos os dias. Mas quando você não vive num país que fale inglês, você não tem muitas oportunidades de expandir…
Read MoreFun English: Learn English Swear Words with Natalie Portman
If you want to speak English like a native speaker, YouTube videos are a GREAT resource. They are funny and they can give an insight into an English speaking culture. But these viral videos (videos that become popular and spread like a virus) can be difficult to understand because of the variety of slang and…
Read More17 California Slang Terms: How to Speak Like a Californian
Slang is one of the most interesting and fun aspects of a language. The more slang you know, the easier it is to connect and make friends with native speakers. People from California love to use and make up their own slang, adding color and personality to the language. A lot of the slang used…
Read MoreHow to Complain in English
This article is by Sila. She lives in Barcelona, Spain where she teaches English and does translation work. Sila lived in England for five years where she realized that most Spanish speakers’ level of English is very poor, and having struggled with English herself, she wanted to help solve this problem. Her blog (Aprende Inglés-Sila)…
Read MoreDicas secretas para melhorar consideravelmente seu listening em inglês
Eu sei como você se sente. Você estudou inglês por um longo período, entende as regras, consegue ler, escrever e até falar. Mas quando você assiste TV, ouve podcasts, ou se encontra em um grupo de falantes nativos, VOCÊ FICA TOTALMENTE PERDIDO! Nós falamos muito rápido, nós cortamos palavras, usamos muitas gírias, e quebramos quase…
Read MoreDon’t Be a Cara De Pau in English: Brazilian Expressions That Don’t Translate Literally
Don’t be a cara de pau podcast (18:40) Download this audio and learn Reallife English anywhere When you’re speaking English, are you being a “wood face” (cara de pau) without even knowing it? Relax, I ‘m sure you’re not really being that bad or offending anyone, but if you don’t know how to use expressions…
Read MoreThe 3 Most Powerful Fluency Secrets You Won’t Learn in School
Do you feel frustrated when you listen to native speakers, as if we use English in a completely different way than what you learned in your English class? Is there something missing in the flow of your communication, like a block in your mind that prevents you from feeling natural when you speak English? Today…
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