Podcast #58 – Marriage Advice, Travel Accommodation, and the Expression “Just Saying”
http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Bill_Muray_Podcast.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes for Apple | Stitcher for Android Direct Download to Computer on this page (From that page, you will right Click and Save) In this episode your are going hear some interesting ways other listeners listen to the podcast, get some marriage advice from Bill Murray, expand your vocabulary in relation…
Read MoreWorld Cup English: Competitive Vocabulary and Expressions
The 2014 World Cup is quickly arriving and we all know that means a time for Global unity, connection, and of course COMPETITION! Do you consider yourself a very competitive person? Recently, our good friends from Kaplan International, organized a friendly soccer competition amongst their students to celebrate football and the upcoming (will happen soon)…
Read More11 Hand Gestures Every English Learner Should Know How to Communicate
What hand gestures do you use to communicate to your friends, and how do you describe them in English? This is a very important part of not just the English language, but also the fabric of cross-cultural communication, and today we are going to teach you exactly how to talk about it with 11 common hand…
Read More10 FUN Phrasal Verbs
Aww yeah! It’s time for another episode of RealLifeTV. Do you hate learning phrasal verbs? Well today I want to give you 10 phrasal verbs that I hope you will LOVE. After watching the video please feel free to comment below and answer the following questions: Do you believe that it’s important to learn real…
Read MorePodcast #57 – Hero Cats, Digital Learning, and The World Cup in Brazil
In today’s Episode of RealLife radio Chad and Justin talk to Ludmila (the first female on the show) about her experience learning English from a young age with the help of technology, and her perspective of the World Cup in Brazil. You’ll also discover the amazing story of a heroic cat who saved a baby,…
Read MoreCommon English Mistakes: USED TO or I AM USED TO?
Do you know the difference between these two phrases? I used to play football in the morning I am used to playing football in the morning Even though these two phrases look very similar, they have a very different meaning. In today’s episode of RealLife TV you are going to discover the difference between these…
Read MoreThe Difference Between House & Home (Plus 11 idioms and Expressions)
In this lesson of RealLife TV, you will learn the difference between house and home, plus examples and common uses, as well as 11 idioms and expressions using home and house. Enjoy! [leadplayer_vid id=”537A5F9D106BA”] FREE PRESENT: A Revolutionary Guide to Connecting Your English to Your Life Transcript Hey guys, welcome to another episode of RealLife…
Read MorePhrasal Verbs with FUCK
Awwww yeah, it’s time for another RealLifeTV English lesson! Warning I’m going to give you a warning before we start that this is a video that could be offensive to some people. If you’re not interested in learning this kind of English, then you might want to switch to one of our other, more appropriate…
Read MoreThe Fastest and Most Effective Way to Learn English Grammar
English grammar is actually not as difficult as you may think. Many people spend months and sometimes even years trying to remember all of the different verb conjugations and tenses. In this episode of RealLife TV you are going to discover the EASIEST and QUICKEST method to learn ALL English conjugations. If you can make a…
Read More30 Words to Talk About Sickness in English
We all get sick from time to time, but how many of us know how to talk about it with precision in our second language? Today’s lesson is going to teach you 30 expressions and words related to sickness and how to express yourself when you’re not feeling well! [leadplayer_vid id=”53712BC0800F2″] Read Transcript Hey RealLife…
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