3 Secrets for Better Learning
Something that very few schools teach is to have clearly defined goals when beginning to learn a language. However, if you want to be successful it is extremely important! You have to know your WHY for learning this language (whether it’s because you like the culture, for a job, or if it’s because you like…
Read More3 Secrets per a millor aprenentatge
Una cosa que n’ensenyen molt poques escoles és tenir metes definides clarament al moment de començar aprendre un idioma. Però si vols tenir èxit ho és una cosa importéssim! Hauries de saber el teu PERQUÈ d’aprendre aquest idioma (si és que t’agrada la cultura, si és per una feina o si és perquè t’agrada un…
Read MoreConfessions d’un professor d’anglès: Repte de 30 dies
De sovint lis dic als meus estudiants d’anglès l’important que és practicar l’idioma almenys una mica cada dia. Però tinc una confessió que n’he de fer: jo mateix no ho faig. Estic aprenent Català, visc a Catalunya i no practico el català (ni l’espanyol!) tots els dies. Francament, tinc sort si ho puc practicar unes…
Read MoreConfessions of an English Teacher: 30 Day Challenge
I often tell my English students how important it is to practice the language at least a little bit every single day. But I have a confession to make: I don’t do it myself. I’m learning Catalan, I live in Catalonia, and I don’t practice Catalan (or Spanish!) every day. Honestly, I’m lucky if I get…
Read MoreLanguage Hacking 101: How to Make learning English Simpler
Does learning English seem like a huge undertaking? Is it something that you just don’t feel ready for? Or do you understand grammar and are able to write, but you don’t feel “ready” to speak yet? Well today I’m going to show you some hacks [tricks that simplify something] that have helped me a lot…
Read MoreHow to Use the Expressions “I’m Just Saying” and “It’s All Good”
Do you get tired of speaking English with all the boring vocabulary and expressions you learn in typical English classes and books? It’s about time you started investing some time into studying some new words to help you start sounding more natural and even cooler when speaking English. Start thinking of the words you use…
Read MoreDo You Confuse this Word in British or American English? (30 Uses of the Word PISS)
This is not only one of the most COLORFUL words in the English language, it can also be very USEFUL. But, be careful, because the difference between BRITISH and AMERICAN English can also make it confusing! Apart from the literal meaning of PISS (to urinate), it can be used to talk about ANGER, INTOXICATION, JOKING, and a huge variety…
Read MoreTalking about AGE in English
Telling someone your age or asking them theirs may seem like an extremely simple topic, but in reality, English learners make mistakes all the time when trying to speak on this subject. In this short video, I’m going to give you a simple explanation of this common mistake to help you never make it again! Watch…
Read MoreThe 5 Most Common Expressions with WING
Today you are going to learn 5 of the most common AND coolest English expressions with the word WING! Wing it Wingman Take Somebody Under Your Wing Clip Your Wings Be/Wait in the Wings [leadplayer_vid id=”53A070A8B9794″] Free Present: A Revolutionary Guide to Connecting Your Life to English Aww yeah, welcome to another episode of RealLife…
Read MorePodcast #59 – World Cup, Football Fever, and Brazil
In this episode Chad, Justin, and Ethan talk about the new RealLife Global Social network, and how you can connect to the world through English. Also, learn a lot of new vocabulary related to the World Cup and find out about what things are like in Brazil right now. http://traffic.libsyn.com/reallifeeng/Podcast_-_Woorld_Cup_Fever.mp3 Free Download Download & Listen…
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