#258: What Type of English Learner are You?
Have you ever wondered what type of English learner you are? The idea is that we learn best according to the archetype of language learners we are. Knowing which type of learner you are can be useful to work out which tips work best for you. Are you an Academic learner? A Jedi Master? Find…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 19: Learn a Language and NEVER Forget It | Gabriel Wyner from Fluent Forever
Gabriel Wyner is an American polyglot, book author, and founder of Fluent Forever. He fell in love with language learning while training to be an opera singer at school. After feeling pressured by a deadline to achieve proficiency in French, he worked his way to fluency studying on his own. Noticing that there was valuable…
Read More#257: How to Give Compliments in English
Today we’ll be talking about the topic you’ve voted for: how to give compliments in English. If you compliment a person, you praise them or say good things about them. It’s not just the words that you say that are important, but also the tone. We’ll also explore a variety of sentence structures that you…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 18: WIN at your Next Job Interview | Tips on How to Tell your Story by Communication Specialist Natasha Broodie
Natasha Broodie is an American communication specialist and founder of Life with the big E. She is a travel and language enthusiast and has lived in Russia and France where she taught Business English and noticed how non-native speakers interacted in multicultural business contexts. This experience led her to write her new book “Give Me…
Read More#256: 15+ English Animal Idioms & How to Use Them
In today’s podcast episode, you’ll get some more practice with your English idiomatic vocabulary by learning some animal idioms. Idioms are a type of figurative language which can be very confusing for English language learners. Now, there are tons of expressions that use animals and we use them all the time. If you stick around…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 17: Practice your Listening Skills The RIGHT Way | Luke’s English Podcast
Luke Thompson is an ESL Teacher, Podcaster, and Stand-up Comedian. He’s originally from England and currently lives in Paris. Luke has been helping learners practice their listening skills for over 10 years through his podcast. His webpage and podcast were voted #1 in the Best Blog category for the Macmillan Dictionaries Awards four times in…
Read More#255: 6 Best Tricks to Become More Confident
Do you often find yourself shying away from new experiences or opportunities because you lack confidence? Have you ever felt your heart racing and your palms sweating just with the thought of facing a new challenge, such as speaking English? Well, we’re here with today’s episode to help you with those moments of self-doubt. Success will not necessarily make you confident, but…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 16: Become a Better English Speaker and Avoid Misunderstandings | Cultural Awareness with Jennifer Kumar
Jennifer Kumar is an English conversation and cross-cultural coach. She lived in India for more than 10 years and even studied her masters degree there. Through her business Authentic Journeys, she helps Americans and Indians strengthen their business relationships through the development of mutual understanding of cultural and linguistic aspects. Get ready for a really…
Read More#254: Surprising Ways Natives Use the Word ‘ASS’ | Idioms, Slang & Collocation
If you’re like most English learners, you’ve probably heard the word ‘ass’ used very frequently in English speaking in songs, movies, and TV series. But did you know that this word has a multitude of uses that mean completely different things? Although you should definitely be very careful with all uses of this word, often…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 15: Too Busy with Work to Learn English? | Tiffani Shares her Fascinating Journey
Ladies and gentlemen. English learners, teachers, and world changers. My next guest is Tiffani. Tiffani, from speakenglishwithtiffani.com, is a teacher and artist from Maryland, US. One day, she left her job as a web designer at NASA to embark on an adventure to South Korea. She lived there for almost 10 years and fell in…
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