#266: 1 Language, 3 Accents! US vs UK vs South African English Vocabulary
Did you know that words in English can be different depending on the country you’re visiting? Ethan and I have often spoken about these differences on the podcast, but today’s episode is extra special. Not only will you learn about vocabulary differences between American and British English, but you’ll also learn about different words in…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 22: She Went From Beginner to Fluent in Just 9 Months (and How you Can Too) with Ruri Ohama
Ruri Ohama is a Turkish-Japanese Youtuber, med student, and polyglot. She has a Youtube channel completely in English, which was able to grow from 1,000 to more than 250k subscribers in only 9 months. On her channel, she shares what it’s like to grow up multicultural, interesting cultural tidbits about Japan and Turkey, and also…
Read More#265: 5 Christmas Movies that every English Learner NEEDS to Watch
It’s Christmas week and we couldn’t let this season pass without sharing some of our all-time favorite Christmas movies that you can watch this holiday season! You’ll find such good classics in this list and we’ll also be sharing why they’re so great for learning English. Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes for Apple | Stitcher for…
Read More#264: 7 Ways to Make your Studying More FUN
You asked for it, and you got it! You want to continue making progress with your English, and you understand that you need to dedicate some studying time for it. However, it can be easy to fall into a repetitive routine, and to that we say… DO NOT let a boring study routine KILL your…
Read MoreBeyond Borders 21: The Neuroscience of Learning a Language | Tips on How to Become a Better Learner
Charlie Baxter, is a creator, English teacher and podcast host from the UK. He has always been passionate about the neuroscience of learning and graduated from university with a BSc in Psychology. After studying neuro-linguistic programming in England, he started his teaching journey out in Chile more than 7 years ago. As a world traveler,…
Read More#263: Best TV Series to Learn English in 2022!
We’re often asked which series are the best for learners to watch. This year’s list is especially tough because there were so many incredible shows on TV during 2021. In today’s podcast episode we’ll go through our list of the must-watch shows that you can use to learn English in 2022. Download & Listen on…
Read MoreBeyond Borders (Special 7): Do You Want to Be the BEST English Speaker? Listen to THIS!
Feeling the need to improve ourselves is a positive thing! You don’t want to just spend your life lazing about on the couch. Whether intentional or not, we, as humans, are always learning. If you have ever been in a competitive environment, you probably also noticed that it gave you a drive that helped you…
Read More#262: Common English Mistakes and How to Avoid Making Them
What are some of the most common mistakes in English, and do you make them? In this episode we go through a list of common mistakes that include many areas, like vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Most importantly, we give you tips on how to avoid making these mistakes and in so doing improve your confidence. …
Read MoreBeyond Borders (Special 6): How to Learn English Alone, WITHOUT a Teacher, and Make REAL Progress
Learning English is about sharing ideas, connecting with others, and improving your life! This is what so many schools get so wrong. In this podcast episode, you’ll discover a new way of learning a foreign language that will make you feel empowered and in control of your learning experience. You can finally actually be successful…
Read More#261: Moving to another country? The Advice you NEED to HEAR!
Moving to a new country can be an exciting and equally nerve-wracking experience, but there are lots of ways that you can prepare for this! That’s why in today’s podcast episode, we’re talking all about how to adapt to living in an English-speaking country. The tips in this episode will also be useful if you’re…
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