Learn Vocab for the Parts of the Body with Yoga
By taking yoga classes in English you will gain mastery of knowing of all the parts of your body in English. You will know them at a reflex level, where you won’t even have to think about it, because you’ve had so much practice of Real Life English. Then, of course, there’s all the other benefits of attending a yoga class like:
- Stronger, more flexible muscles
- Improved balance
- Better blood circulation and more oxygen in the body (lowers chances of sickness)
- Increased lung capacity (bigger breaths means more oxygen to your body which means your muscles can perform better)
- Increased production of hormones (keeps you happy)
- Reduces stress
- Increases focus and concentration (allows you to get more work done faster, among other things)
- Improves body awareness (naturally leads to healthier lifestyle)
- Meeting other awesome yogis (people who do yoga)!
Body Parts
Hands – mãos
Wrists – pulsos
Palms – palmas das mãos
Fingers – dedos
Middle finger – dedo medio
Pinky finger – dedo mindinho
Thumb – polegar
Legs – pernas
Feet – pés
Ankles – tornozelos
Toes – dedos de pé
Heels – calcanhars
Knees – joelhos
Shins – canelas
Hips – quadris
Shoulders – ombros
Arms – bravos
Forearms – antebraços
Elbows – cotovelos
Neck – pescoço
Ears – orelhas
Spine – espinha dorsal
Vertebrae – vértebras
Stomach – estômago
Lungs – pulmões
Chest – peito
Heart – coração
Breastbone – esterno
Tailbone – cóccix
Sit bones – sentar ossos
Ribs – costelas
Crown – topo do cabeça
Head – cabeça
Nose – nariz
Many kids learn the main bones with the chorus to this song:
[media url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1Zu2LEaanE#t=2m34s” width=”600″ height=”400″]
Common Muscles
Calf – panturrilha
Hamstring – jarretar
Quadriceps (quads) – quadríceps
Thighs – coxas
Groin – virilha
Triceps (tris) – tríceps
Biceps – bíceps
Core – os músculos do núcleo
Abdomen (abs) – abdômen
Intercostal – intercostais
Yoga is the only exercise that stretches AND strengthens EVERY muscle in the body. For the sake of simplicity, not all of the parts of the human body are mentioned here, just the ones that are most commonly talked about during a yoga class.
In most poses, almost every single one of your body parts must be paid attention to, as they all play a part in proper alignment.
For example, in Warrior II your knee is directly above your ankle, your front foot is facing directly forward, while your back foot is at a 90 degree angle or less (from your leg). Your back leg is straight and you’re pushing down with the outside edge of your back foot.
You sink down in the hips so you feel a good stretch in the groin and quads. You want your leg to get as close to a right angle as you can, meaning your thigh is parallel to the ground.
You have an external rotation on your back thigh and an internal rotation on your front thigh. Your tailbone is slightly tucked (pushed forward). Your stomach is slightly sucked in, while your back is straight. You lift up with the crown of your head, creating length in the spine.
Your shoulders are relaxed away from your ears with your arms parallel to the ground, palms facing down, and your fingers are stretching and pulling strongly in opposite directions. Your gaze (where you’re looking) is over your right middle finger.
So as you can see, there is a lot happening in every pose. If this seems intimidating, have no fear! You don’t have to do the pose perfect right from the start and you don’t have to know all the vocab either. It will actually be extremely difficult for you to have great alignment the first few times you do yoga. If you take classes with a teacher, they will help correct you when you need it.
Yogis (people who do yoga) are very open to beginners. Yoga is not competitive, it’s not a sport. It’s a way to heal and strengthen your body. Everyone wins.
Interested in Attending Real Life Yoga Classes?
If you happen to live in Brazil, a Real Life Yoga Picnic is held every Sunday in Belo Horizonte, Brazil at Praça Floriano Peixoto. We meet at 3pm and after class we have a picnic, slackline, and hang out and get to know each other.
Real Life Yoga is free to attend.
Join our international English learning Facebook community of over 3,000 members to receive more details about the next event.
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Peace, Love, and Diplomatic Communication!
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