Present or Introduce: Which is correct?

Mistakes with false cognates are far too common among English learners.

False cognates—words that are the same/similar between different languages, but have different meanings—are always tricky [deceitful] for language learners.

The mistake of using present instead of introduce is made by almost every English learner, especially in business settings, where we make acquaintance of new people all the time. But even if you don’t work in business, you can be better than almost every other English learner by not confusing these two words!

I’ve noticed this error being made a lot while living in Portugal and speaking English 90% of the time in a business setting with non-native speakers.

That’s why in this quick lesson, I’m going to show you the difference between these two terms, so you can start using them both correctly.

Let’s go!


Learners usually incorrectly use present instead of introduce because present is very close to the verb used for introductions in Latin languages (like Portuguese and Spanish).

Below are the most commonly used definitions of these words in English.

Present: to formally give an award or a gift

present in english

Introduce: to make one person known to another person

introduce in english

So, anytime you want to say that you came to know someone through someone else, or that you connected two people, you should use the word introduce, NOT present.

Let’s look at a few examples to help clarify the differences.


He’s going to introduce me to the head of the company (NOT He is going to present me to the head of the company)

I introduced myself to the prettiest girl at the party (NOT I presented myself to the prettiest girl at the party)

Yes, I know him. I will introduce you. (NOT Yes, I know him. I will present you).

  • Also: Yes I know him. I will make an introduction.

They will present me with the award for most creative costume.

Leonardo was finally presented with an Oscar this year.

house-targaryen-englishException: Present can also mean: To formally introduce (someone) to someone else. However, this use is rare (to me, it sounds like it should be used at a fancy ball with nobility or in Game of Thrones). A couple examples of how this definition of present would be used are below.

May I present my wife, Carla? (or may I introduce you to my wife, Carla?)

“May I present my honored guests? Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name. The rightful King of the Andals and the First Men. And his sister, Daenerys, of the House Targaryen.” (GoT, S1E1) (or may I introduce you to my honored guests…)

Speak English Confidently

Now you know exactly how to use these two verbs and can confidently put them to use.

If you want to speak English well, it is crucial to understand the difference between false-cognates, so that you don’t go around confusing people or giving the wrong meaning.

It can be challenging, but be sure to watch people’s reactions–for example, if they get confused when you use certain words. When you notice a false-cognate, take note, and practice using the correct word, so you don’t repeat the same error.

Did you enjoy this article? Have other confusions in English that you would like me to clarify? Let me know in the comments below! I would love to hear your opinion.

  • Waleed Khalid says:

    Thanks alot

    • Ethan says:

      You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed 😉

    • Retta Baugh says:

      Question: Are you saying that when presenting a pastor of a church to the congregation it is correct to say: “At this time, I am going to INTRODUCE to some and PRESENT to others; Pastor Jones.”

  • betty huang says:

    Thanks Ethan for making this super-duper lesson! Now, I know how to use these two words. And “wish” and “hope” make me confused too. For example, I hope / wish you had a great day.

    • Ethan says:

      Thanks Betty! That would be a great article/video 🙂

  • […] Present or Introduce: Which is Correct? […]

  • Ugo Souza says:

    Great article, Ethan. This clarified my questions about theses words. If possible, can you explain how to use “as well” and “too” in phrases. So far I have some questions in use them.

    All best.

    • Ethan says:

      I’m glad you liked them. Too and As Well are synonyms actually.

      I’m hungry, too / I’m hungry, as well / I’m also hungry

      These all mean the same thing. I hope that helps!


    very much appreciated.
    Thank you

  • Carlos says:

    Thanks for this clear explanation!

  • Michael says:

    Ethan, Recently a family member adopted a dog, over Whatsapp she said, “I present you the newest member of our family.” My wife thought it should be ‘introduce.’ I agreed with ‘present,’ my thought is an introduction involves an exchange between two parties. Whereas to ‘present’ only needs one parties acknowledgement. Thoughts?

    • Agnieszka Tkacz says:

      Hey Michael! Look at the Exception: Present can also mean: To formally introduce (someone) to someone else. However, this use is rare (to me, it sounds like it should be used at a fancy ball with nobility. So if the family member wanted to do a big introduction, she might say like that.

  • Amel Elgohary says:

    I know that introduce can also be used to give a new idea, suggestion, research or recommendation NOT present, can’t it?

    • Agnieszka from RealLife English says:

      Hi Amel! Yes, it can! You are right.

  • Agnieszka from RealLife English says:

    Hello! Thank you for the question! I would say: I want to introduce you to the idea 🙂

  • ann says:

    ohhh!! Thank you! 😀

    • Agnieszka from RealLife English says:

      Happy to help!

  • Miriam says:

    This is really confusing! I have a book from Pearson that has one chapter titled: “Presenting Yourself – Presenting yourself to international colleagues”. I guess both can be used. Is there a difference between AE and BE on this?

    • Thomas Muller says:

      Hi there Miriam,
      It’s great to see you’re taking all the opportunities to go ABOVE and BEYOND with your English!

      Hey, we will be happy to help you! Please write us at [email protected] so we can better understand your doubt and provide a more accurate answer! 🙂

      Looking forward to hearing from you there!

  • Claudia says:

    Thank you! I was wondering if Present was or not a False Friend, and it is! thanks!

    • Thomas Muller says:

      Hey Claudia,
      We’re glad it was helpful for you! Thanks for learning with us!