#407: How You Can Understand BRITISH English in Movies, TV, Music, etc. — Why You Struggle with British English (but not with American), The 5 Things You Need to Learn, Analyzing the Speech of Emma Watson, Dua Lipa, Adele and other Celebrities

If British accents leave you puzzled, you’re not alone! In this episode, we explore the reasons behind the challenge of understanding British English and reveal the key differences from American English. We analyze the speech of British stars like Dua Lipa, Adele, Emma Watson, and Cillian Murphy, breaking down 5 essential elements to help you tune your ears and boost your comprehension. Don’t miss this guide to mastering British accents!

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Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Can of worms
  • Accustomed to
  • Watered-down
  • Refurbishment
  • From the get-go
  • Throw someone off
  • Be traced back to
  • Derision
  • Peer
  • Cater to someone

And many more in the app.

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