#345: Speaking English When Traveling (at the Airport, Hotel, City), Important Vocabulary You’ll Need, and the Story of our Adventure in Peru and Machu Picchu

The entire RealLife English team has recently met in person in Peru. One of the highlights of this trip was visiting Machu Picchu, considered one of the seven wonders of the world. In this episode, Ethan and Thiago revisit this incredible experience, sharing some of the cool things about the trip as well as some of the challenges that went with it.

This Podcast Episode is Also Available in Video Format!

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Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Globetrotter
  • Absorb
  • Observe
  • Layover
  • Fine and dandy
  • Pull something on someone
  • Trials and tribulations
  • Quaint
  • Funky
  • Frenzy

And many more in the app.

  • Learn more Vocabulary
  • Full Digital Transcripts
  • Speak with People from All Around the World
  • It’s 100% Free

The Secrets Of The Lost Incan Mountaintop City Of Machu Picchu

Instagram: @reallife.english

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