#338: Why You Can Understand English, but Can’t Speak it — What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Speaking Skills

Do you understand English but can’t speak it fluently? You are not alone. Understanding a language involves the ability to comprehend words, phrases, and sentences when they are spoken or written. Speaking, on the other hand, requires not only comprehension but also the ability to form sentences, use grammar and vocabulary correctly, and pronounce words accurately. In today’s episode, we discuss ONE possible reason for this problem and what you can do about it.

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Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Animated
  • Wrangle
  • Muster up
  • Go blank
  • Dumbfounded
  • Push back
  • Boulder
  • Bumpy
  • Wing it
  • Lather up

And many more in the app.

  • Learn more Vocabulary
  • Full Digital Transcripts
  • Speak with People from All Around the World
  • It’s 100% Free

The Lion King 1994 Remember Who You Are Full Scene

Instagram: @reallife.english

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  • Suneetha says:

    Real life English is very useful in day today life

    • Agnieszka from RealLife English says:

      We are happy to hear that, Suneetha!

  • Vishnu says:

    Hi Ethen/Thiago,

    Thanks for this another wonderful podcast, well to come to the point the other practical exercises I am following to improvise myself is that these days in my job I myself taking initiatives to present some topics related to my job in that way I am not only educating my fellow colleagues and earning their appreciation but it also helping me to refresh my memory on those topics and boost my confidence as a english presenter. So in a way killing two birds with one stone.

    • Agnieszka from RealLife English says:

      You are doing such a great job, Vishnu! Coming out of your comfort zone pays off!