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  • Damiao Farias says:

    boa noite tenho uma duvida como se pronuncia palavras em inglês
    seguida de OR exemplos work, world, porque tem pessoas que fala que é com som da A = wark e warld e outras dizem que é com som de O= work e world por favor me ajude estou aprendendo inglês com sotaque americano mais esta duvida esta me confundindo e atrapalhando meu aprendizado se vocês tiver outras dicas por favor enviem para o meu email.

  • Dear Hiring Manager,

    I am a professional translator with a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and a Master degree in Business Administration, both by University of Brasília, in Brazil.

    I have provided my services since 2016, delivering highly accurate translations for both companies and direct clients.

    As a freelance translator, I have been translating articles of various fields, such as veterinary medicine, medicine, economics, education, business, dentistry, physical therapy, among others. I currently work translating general, academic, and medical texts. Having pointed out my education and professional experience, I define myself as a very versatile translator.

    I work with the following pairs:

    Portuguese (Brazilian and European) > English

    English > Portuguese
    (Brazilian and European)

    English > French

    French > English

    If I can provide you with any further information, please feel free to contact me. I would appreciate the opportunity to make a contribution to your team.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Yours sincerely,

    Luiz Fernando.