#310: Learn The Basics Of English Grammar: How To Use Grammar To Speak English Better
If your English is already intermediate, resuming your grammar studies may be the solution to take it to the next level. Learning (or reviewing) the basics of English grammar will help you fix mistakes you might still be making at intermediate level so you can go on to have more advanced English and speak with…
Read More#309: Are You Learning WRONG With TV Series And Movies? Learn The RIGHT way!
One of the best ways to learn English at home is by using movies and TV series. But there’s a right way to do this: Be more CURIOUS! In today’s episode, you will learn how to master your English with movies and TV series by becoming a more active learner. We’ll explain the difference between…
Read More#308: Don’t be Rude: 5 Ways To Start a Conversation Politely
Speaking English with people from different cultures is an enriching experience. However, if you’re not mindful of the other person’s cultural background, you could accidentally come across as rude, or even offensive, when trying to spark up a conversation in English. In today’s episode, we’ll give you some tips on how to spark up your…
Read More#307: English For Travel: How To Navigate Language Barriers When Traveling
In today’s globalized world, people are traveling more than ever. But how do you ensure you have a great travel experience when you go to a place where you don’t know the language? Is there any way to overcome the language barriers you are likely to encounter? In today’s episode, Ethan will share a bit…
Read More#306: Learn English Vocabulary: Different Ways To Use the Word ASS in English
If you’re like most English learners, you’ve probably heard the word ASS used very frequently in English speaking songs, movies, and TV series. But did you know that ASS has a multitude of distinct uses that mean completely different things? Although you should definitely be very careful with all uses of this word, did you…
Read More#305: The Missing Ingredient To Learn English FASTER and BETTER
Nowadays, there are more resources to learn English than ever. Still, it can be hard to know which topics to focus on, or which resources to use. Should I listen to podcasts in English? Should I learn English on Youtube? Should I hire a private Teacher? Should I take an online course? The possibilities are…
Read More#304: Learn English with TED Talks: Do Schools Kill Creativity? Ken Robinson
Do schools kill creativity? Apparently, they do! In today’s episode, we’ll discuss some of the ideas presented by Sir Ken Robinson in his compelling TED talk, which has been viewed over 70 million times and it’s ranked #1 on the list of TED’s Most Popular Talks of All Time. Download & Listen on Your Mobile: iTunes…
Read More#303: The 80/20 of Vocabulary: How to Advance Your English FAST!
What if I told you that in order for you to improve your English, you need to study less? What we mean by that is you need to narrow your focus down to just a few essential topics. There’s so much information on the internet these days about English learning that it can be quite…
Read More#302: How to Start a Conversation in English: Best Conversation Starters That Work
Imagine you turn up at a party where you don’t know anybody. Or maybe it’s your first day at your new job. How do you engage someone in conversation? In today’s episode, we’ll give you some useful conversation starters that will help you feel more confident in social situations. By learning these, you will know…
Read More#301: Most Unexpected Things That Happened In Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones aired for 8 thrilling seasons and it’s become famous for subverting viewers’ expectations. Regardless, It is one of the most impactful shows ever put on television. In today’s episode, we share some of the most unexpected (and shocking) moments that happened in the world of Westeros. Plus, you will learn a lot…
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