#405: Why You Can’t Understand MOVIES in English Without SUBTITLES (But You Can Understand Me) — and How to Start to Understand Movies!

Do you find it easy to follow your teacher’s English but struggle to understand English in movies? In this episode, we break down the reasons behind this common challenge and explain why using subtitles is not only okay but can actually be a powerful tool for improving your English! Learn how to turn subtitles into your secret weapon for mastering listening skills and boosting your fluency. Tune in and discover how to make your movie nights both fun and educational! 🍿📺

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Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Mumble
  • Enunciate
  • Notorious
  • Kettle corn
  • Be hard on someone
  • Muffled
  • By leaps and bounds
  • Devoted
  • At the back of one’s head
  • Gibberish

And many more in the app.

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Instagram: @reallife.english

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