#400: This is How Successful People Get to Live the Life of Their Dreams

In this episode, we dive into what it truly means to be successful, and the importance of having the right mindset. We will cover the essentials of effective goal setting, and as always, we’ll tie these concepts back to English learning, providing practical tips to help you become more confident and fluent. Join us for an inspiring conversation that blends personal growth with language learning!

This Podcast Episode is Also Available in Video Format!

Watch it now:

Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Equate
  • Put someone on the spot
  • Keep someone in suspense
  • Capable
  • Give it a go
  • Revelation
  • Roll with the punches
  • In the thick of thin things
  • Soak up some sun
  • Drain one’s energy

And many more in the app.

Download App for Full Podcast Experience

  • Learn more Vocabulary
  • Full Digital Transcripts
  • Speak with People from All Around the World
  • It’s 100% Free

Instagram: @reallife.english

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  • Francesca Salvi says:

    Hi guys,
    As always I follow your tipo in the Friday newsletter but the last Friday, August the 2nd, I didn’t receive it.
    Did you release it?
    Thanks so much Francesca

    • Thomas Muller says:

      Hey there Francesca,
      We’re happy to hear from you! We didn’t release a newsletter last Friday! We’ll be sending it fortnightly for now. 😉

      • Francesca Salvi says:

        Thanks Thomas, I thought about a problem with my email!

        • Thomas Muller says:

          Hey Francesca,
          Not at all. But we’re more than happy to see that you follow us everywhere – from the app to YouTube and newsletters! Thank you so much for your amazing support!