#395: My Coming Out Story — Podcast for ADVANCED English Learners: The Courage to Be Yourself, Life Lessons, and the Meaning Behind Pride Month (LGBTQ+)

June is Pride Month! And so in today’s episode, we explore topics of LGBTQ+ identity, the courage you need to be yourself. In this conversation, Ethan shares his journey of coming out, reflecting on the challenges and acceptance he faced, highlighting the importance of authenticity and finding support in our communities. This episode is perfect for English learners seeking engaging content and deeper cultural understanding!

This Podcast Episode is Also Available in Video Format!

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Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Role model
  • Profound
  • Come out of the closet
  • Coping mechanism
  • Queer
  • Disown
  • Uphill battle
  • Tipping point
  • Be fed up
  • Pivotal

And many more in the app.

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  • Learn more Vocabulary
  • Full Digital Transcripts
  • Speak with People from All Around the World
  • It’s 100% Free

Instagram: @reallife.english

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