#365: Advanced English TEST! How Many Alternatives Can You Name?

Many times you’ve heard us saying here at RealLife that learning English can and should be fun! Today, we’re bringing you a riveting episode in which our hosts will play some funny games that you can laugh and learn with!

By the way, we need your help! 🙂
We’ve created this survey to understand how we can make the best lessons on this podcast, and guide you on your English learning journey.
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This Podcast Episode is Also Available in Video Format!

Watch it now:

Words You’ll Learn in the App

  • Gargantuan
  • Confidant
  • Arduous
  • Vexing
  • Nifty
  • Flabbergasting
  • A one-hit wonder
  • Bewildered
  • Overdue
  • Undergo

And many more in the app.

Download App for Full Podcast Experience

  • Learn more Vocabulary
  • Full Digital Transcripts
  • Speak with People from All Around the World
  • It’s 100% Free

Mad Libs on the App Store (apple.com)

Apps – Mad Libs (live-madlibs.pantheonsite.io)

Instagram: @reallife.english

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